Booster Groups

Whiteford Athletic Boosters

PO Box 157, Ottawa Lake, MI 49267
Monthly MeetingsFirst Wednesday of month at 6:00 p.m. in the  MS/HS Media Center (during school year)

The Whiteford Athletic Boosters are organized to support sports teams and athletes officially representing Whiteford both financially and in school spirit.

  • President ~ Mike Miller
  • Vice President ~ Rob Recker
  • Corresponding Secretary ~ Position Currently Open
  • Treasurer ~ Rosie Recker

Kroger Rewards Program ID #94596 (

Whiteford Music Boosters

PO Box 52, Ottawa Lake, MI 49267
Monthly Meetings: Third Tuesday of month at 7:00 p.m. in the HS Lounge (during school year)

The Whiteford Music Boosters is dedicated to lending all possible support both moral and financial to the general music program of Whiteford Schools and to build and maintain an organization to promote the general activities of the Whiteford Music Department.

  • President ~ Julianne Consear
  • Vice President ~ Jamie Frye
  • Secretary ~ Pam Zink
  • Treasurer ~ Pastor Rick Deisler
  • Concession Chair ~ Julianne Consear and Jennifer Eisenhard

Whiteford Parents' Association

6655 Consear Road, Ottawa Lake, MI 49267
Monthly Meetings: Meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month (excluding December) at 6:00 p.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria.

The Whiteford Parents' Association is a versatile group of parents dedicated to providing many types of services for the educational good of students, teachers and the school, in return for raising funds. Its purpose is to promote the general welfare of the school and community.

  • President Ali Houghtaling
  • Vice President ~ Amy Fyn
  • Secretary ~ Ahna Roush
  • Treasurer ~ Kristi Browning

whiteford ROBOTICS Boosters

6655 Consear Road, Ottawa Lake, MI 49267
Monthly Meetings: Meetings will be held the second Wednesday of every month (year round) at 5:30 pm in the Robotics Center (old Art Room) in the High School.  

The Whiteford Robotics Boosters exists to encourage gracious professionalism and support the students, coaches, and parents of the Whiteford Agricultural School Robotics program by raising funds, recruiting volunteers, and conducting events.

  • President ~ Jeremy Gapp
  • Vice President ~ Keith Linkey
  • Secretary ~ Jennifer French
  • Treasurer~  Doug Bulmer