Third Grade Reading Law

In an effort to boost reading achievement, Michigan lawmakers passed Public Act 306 in October 2016. To help more students be proficient by the end of 3rd grade, the law requires extra support for K-3 students who are not at grade level reading. This original law had a retention recommendation for any student reading below grade level as determined by the Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) given to 3rd graders each April. 

In 2024, the retention piece of the law was repealed. If a child is reading below grade level according to the M-STEP, he/she will continue to receive targeted interventions throughout their 4th grade year. 

Many requirements of the law were occurring at Whiteford Elementary prior to its passing. Whiteford Elementary staff is required to provide ongoing assessments and progress monitoring for all students in grades K-3 and inform parents of student progress. If the student is not reading where expected a special intervention plan will be created called Individualized Reading Improvement Plan (IRIP). If this is the case, a child will remain on an IRIP and eligible for reading intervention services designed to enable the student to achieve proficiency in reading. Once the child has met the benchmark goals, they no longer require an IRIP.

Whiteford Elementary approaches this legislation not as a requirement, rather an opportunity to provide the best possible reading instruction for all students. Strong literacy instruction and interventions continue to be in place. In addition to this, a Literacy Interventionist provides ongoing support for both our teachers and students throughout the elementary school. 

What can you do as parents to support your child’s reading success?

  • Read with your daily
  • Have your child choose books they enjoy
  • Read out loud to your child and listen to your child read
  • Reread or retell favorite stories
  • Help connect the stories to your child’s life or other books you’ve read, even on trips to the store

Parent Resources

Parent Letter from Mr. Marsh
Parents Read at Home Packet
Essentials for Families
Tips for Parents of Kindergarteners
Tips for Parents of First Graders
Tips for Parents of Second Graders
Tips for Parents of Third Graders

The Michigan Department of Education provides more information on the “Read by Grade Three Law” website. If you would like further information about our district practices and procedures, please contact your child’s building administrator.