
Elementary Counseling

The relationship a school counselor has with their students is a core component of any school counseling program, and Whiteford Elementary is not an exception. School counselors value the relationships with each of their students and strive to provide support for all. School counselors are also a helpful resource for their students’ parents and guardians. Parents and guardians should feel free to contact the school counselor if they have any questions or concerns at any point during the school year.

Our counseling supports here at Whiteford Elementary include whole-group social/emotional lessons in the classroom for every student, targeted small group opportunities, and individualized, brief one-on-one counseling, as needed. One-on-one counseling is not intensive therapy; school counseling is designed to be short-term and generalized. Any additional services (e.g., long-term therapy, issue specific therapy, etc.) may be referred out by the school counselor to local area resources to offer more appropriate support. Families can also browse the “Mental Health Resources” tab to learn more about resources and support in the county and community.


TBD, Elementary Counselor     
734-856-1443, ext. 309

counseling corner newsletter

Counseling Corner Newsletter 5/31/24 - Summer Break & SEL
Counseling Corner Newsletter 5/17/24 - Summer Wellness
Counseling Corner Newsletter 5/3/24 - Healthy Sleep Habits
Counseling Corner Newsletter 4/19/24 - Internet & Social Media Safety
Counseling Corner Newsletter 4/5/24 - Test-Taking Tips & Strategies
Counseling Corner Newsletter 3/8/24 - Decision-Making
Counseling Corner Newsletter 2/23/24 - Perfectionism
Counseling Corner Newsletter 2/9/24 - Positive Self-Talk
Counseling Corner Newsletter 12/8/23 - Inclusion: Diversity 
Counseling Corner Newsletter 11/3/23 - Inclusion Friendships   
Counseling Corner Newsletter 10/20/23 - Healthy Friendships
Counseling Corner Newsletter 5/26/23 - Incorporating SEL at Home
Counseling Corner Newsletter 5/12/23 - Executive Functioning
Counseling Corner Newsletter 4/28/23 - Supporting Mental Health at Home
Counseling Corner Newsletter 4/14/23 - Self-Care
Counseling Corner Newsletter 3/24/23 - Grounding Techniques
Counseling Corner Newsletter 3/10/23 - Coping Skills


Social-emotional learning (SEL) plays a fundamental role in education and human development. SEL is the process in which individuals develop self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making skills, all of which are important for school and life success. People with stronger SEL skills have a better chance of being able to cope with and learn from challenges, which can have a long-term positive effect on both kids and adults.

To learn more about SEL-related topics, keep an eye out for bi-weekly Counseling Corner Newsletters, and in the meantime, familiarize yourself with the previous Counseling Corner Newsletters below!


Understanding Child Development - Every child is different. Everyone has different strengths, areas of improvement, and personalities. Some of these traits can be determined by genetics, while some traits can be developed by environment. Learn more about the stages of child development.

Goal Setting and Finding Motivation - According to studies, “motivation is one of the driving forces behind human behavior.” The absence of motivation can lead to a downhill slope in a person’s mental health; however, having motivation and setting goals can provide a sense of purpose and meaning and can better someone’s quality of life. Learn about sources of motivation and how to set goals.

What is ADHD? - Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobehavioral disorder characterized by symptoms such as hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattentiveness, and distractibility. Symptoms of ADHD can interfere with a person’s life in a variety of ways, and managing ADHD can be a challenge. Learn more about ADHD, its history, its causes, and treatment options. 

Fostering Positive Friendships - Friendships at any age can be difficult to navigate. Research shows that having a sense of belonging within a friendship helps children adapt to life changes and function better in the world. Click the link above for information on how to help support a positive and healthy friendship. 
